Welcome to the University of Aberdeen Foundation donation page. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization and donations to it are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. EIN: 52-1970587.
We accept gifts via debit and credit cards. If there is a particular area you would prefer your donation to support, please note your suggestion in the comments field. If you would like to make a donation by check, please send it, made payable to 'University of Aberdeen Foundation', along with your details, to the Foundation office address below.
Should your company have a matched giving scheme, please let us know so that we can ensure that appropriate information is available for your employer.
Thank you in advance for giving to the University of Aberdeen Foundation.
University of Aberdeen Foundation1350 Avenue of the AmericasFloor 2, Suite 266New YorkNY 10019
US Administrator: Ms Nancy Biksonnancy.bikson@chapel-york.com
For donations in other countries, please select the relevant menu item above.