Privacy Policy & Disclaimer for
the University of Aberdeen website

This policy explains what information is gathered from visitors to the University of Aberdeen's website, and how that information is used. Our website is designed in accordance with the Information Commissioner's Office guidance on the use of cookies and similar technologies1.


Information Collected

Information is gathered from visitors via several methods that are outlined below:


1. Logfiles


The University of Aberdeen's central web server [] tracks requests made of it to centrally held log files. Log files can contain any or all of the following types of data:


  • The date and time of connection
  • Identification of the files requested
  • Whether the request was successful
  • The size (in bytes) sent in response
  • The referring page (where the visitor came from), as supplied by the visitor's browser
  • The software used to access the server, as supplied by the visitor's browser

Information gathered is used for server system administration, identifying broken links, and for producing usage statistics. Logged information may be kept indefinitely. Log files do not contain any personal information.


The University of Aberdeen also uses the following log reporting services on its website to measure and analyse visitor information:


Examples of data collected automatically from all users include:

  • the Internet Protocol (IP) address;
  • computer and connection information such as browser type and version, operating system, and platform;
  • Uniform Resource Locator (URL) click-stream data, including date and time, and content viewed or searched for on the website.


2. Cookies, web beacons and similar technologies



Cookies are small files that are sent from the web server to the visitor's computer via the visitor's browser. They are then stored in the visitor's computer as text files and passed back to the server. Cookies are generally used to identify users and, on occasion, prepare customized web pages for them. Cookies may remain on the visitor's computer merely for the duration of the visit or they may remain indefinitely. Most standard web browsers may be configured to refuse cookies.

The University of Aberdeen uses cookies for the essential running of its websites and web applications. Such cookies are transient, do not contain any personal information, cannot be used to identify you and are exempt from the EU Directive2.

The University of Aberdeen also uses cookies for marketing purposes. Use of cookies for these purposes is described in our list of cookies. Any other ad hoc use of cookies will be stated separately and explicitly.


Web Beacons and Similar Technologies

The University of Aberdeen uses web beacons and similar technologies for marketing purposes. These technologies (also known as "pixel tags", "tracking pixels" or "clear GIFs") retain information in your browser through local objects or storage. Their purpose is to identify users of our site and their behaviour. Information collected may be shared with authorised third-party providers.

Beacons or similar technologies may work in conjunction with cookies and can operate across all of your browsers. In some instances, these may not be fully managed by your browser and may require management directly through your installed applications or device.


3. Web forms


Forms on the University of Aberdeen website may request visitors to supply personal details, bank details and/or credit card details in order to receive goods or services, or in order to make donations. Where appropriate, such forms operate over secure connections so that data is safeguarded.


By supplying such information the visitor consents to the University storing the information for a period of time appropriate to the supply of the goods or services requested. Personal information provided will be used for the purpose stated and will not be sold, licensed or traded to third parties. Information entered into a form may be used by the University of Aberdeen to contact you.


Personal information collected and/or processed by the University is held in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation.


4. Discussion fora, chat rooms, conferencing facilities, bulletin boards and mailing lists


Tools for synchronous and asynchronous web-based communication that are hosted on the University of Aberdeen websites may request visitors to supply details such as names and email addresses for registration purposes.


By supplying such information the visitor consents to the University storing the information in a manner appropriate for administration of the tool. Information provided will only be used for the purpose stated and will not be sold, licensed or traded to third parties.


Our website may contain profile forms which allow visitors to share personally-identifying information. Visitors may update this information at any time.


Our website may contain real-time communication tools enabling visitors to connect to and communicate with University-authorised individuals.


If visitors supply information via these forms and tools, the University may use the visitor's contact details or information provided to send further information about the organisation to the visitor when necessary. Visitors may opt out of such mailings at any time by contacting the University.


Personal information collected and/or processed by the University is held in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation.


5. Specific research projects


On occasion, staff involved in certain research projects and clinical trials may wish to gather data from respondents in a more specific manner than those outlined above. In such instances, terms and conditions for the collection and use of information will be stated separately and made explicit to respondents in advance of data collection.




Data Protection

Further information on the University's policies on data protection may be found at [].


Queries regarding data protection should be addressed in the first instance to the University's Data Protection Officer at



The University of Aberdeen takes reasonable efforts to ensure that the contents of its websites are accurate; however, it cannot give any warranty that this is the case. The University may change web content at any time without notice.


Users posting to web-based facilities on the University websites must abide by the University's Code of Practice for the Publishing of Information in Electronic Format []; postings deemed to be offensive will be removed.


The University of Aberdeen websites include links to third-party websites. These links are used to provide further information and are not intended as an endorsement of such websites and/or their content.

1  Guidance on the rules on use of cookies and similar technologies

2 Directive 2009/136/EE Of The European Parliament And Of The Council